By: Karla Hodge

  •   1725: 10th child, Christian Gottl17eib was born.  Bach visits Cothen.
  •  1726: 11th child, Elisabeth Juliana Friederika, called “Liesgen” was born.  Daughter, Christiana Sophia Henrietta dies at age 3.  Partita I is published, Michaelmas.
  • §1727: 12th child, Ernestus Andreas is born and dies a few days later.  Traduer Ode is performed at the memorial ceremony for Electress Chrisiane Eberhardine.
  • §1728: So, Christian Gottleib dies at age 3 on September 21st  13th child, Regina Johanna is born in October.  Bach’s sister, Marie Salome Wiegand dies at age 51 in Erfurt; buried December 27.
  • 1729: Bach visits Cothen to perform funeral music for Prince Leopld.  Bach assumes direction of Collegium Musicum. During his time here, most his works were written and performed by the Collegium Musicum. 14th child, Christiana Benedicta Louise is born in late December.
  • §1730: Daughter, Christiana Benedicta Louise dies at the beginning on January.  Bach seeks possible employment in Gdansk.
  • §1731: Clavier-Ubung (keyboard practice) is published.  15th child, Christiana Dorothea is born.  Bach gives organ recitals in Dresden in September.  Then in November he examines organ at Stontzsch.
  • §1732: 16th child, Johann Christoph Friedrich ‘Buckeberg’ Bach is born on June 21. Daughter, Christiana Dorothea dies at age 1 on August 31.  Bach examines organ in Martinskirche, Kassel in September.
  • §1733: Daughter, Regina Johanna dies at age 4 on April 25.  Kyrie and Gloria of the Mass in B Minor are composed and presented to the Elector of Saxony to persuade the Monarch to appoint him as Royal Court Composer.  He is successful.  17th child, Johann August Abraham is born and dies the next day.
  • 1734: Bach performed Christmas Oratorio parts I-III on December 25-27.
  • §1735: Christmas Oratoria parts IV-VI are performed on January 1st, 2nd  and 6th. Clavier-Ubung II is published in May.  Bach Examines organ in Marienkirche, Mulhausen in June where his son Gottfried Bernhard was appointed organish. 18th child, Johann Christian ‘London’ Bach is born in September.
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