By: James Johnson

          1735 Christmas Oratoria, parts IV-VI performed, 1, 2, 6 Jan. Clavier-Übung II (BWV971, 831) published, May. Bach examines organ in Marienkirche, Mülhausen, June, where his son Gottfried Bernhard (20) is appointed organist, 16 June. Bach's eighteenth child, Johann Christian, born, 5 Sept 1736 'Battle of the prefects' with Ernesti begins, July. Appointed Hofcompositeur to the Elector of Saxony, 19 Nov. Gives organ recital in Frauenkirche, Dresden, 1 Dec.

          1737 Son, Johann Gottfried Bernhard (22), appointed organist at the Jakobikirche, Sangerhausen, 4 April. Bach temporarily relinquishes directorship of the collegium museum, Spring. J.A. Schiebe publishes adverse criticism of Bach's music. Johann Elias Bach joins Bach's household as tutor and secretary, Oct. Nineteenth child, Johanna Carolina, baptised., 30 Oct.

          1738 Son, Carl Philipp Emanuel (24), appointed harpsichordist to crown prince Frederick of Prussia. Bach visits Dresden, May. Son, Johann Gottfried Bernhard (23) contracts debts at Sangerhausen and absconds.

          1739 Son, Johann Gottfried Bernhard (24), dies, 27 May. Bach gives organ recital in the Schlosskirche, Altenburg. Clavier-Übung III published, Sept. Resumes as director of the collegium museum, 2 Oct. Visits Weissenfels with Anna Magdalena, 7-14 Nov. 1740 Visits Halle, April.

          1741 Visits son, Carl Philipp Emanuel, in Berlin, Aug. Anna Magdalena seriously ill. Bach visits Dresden, Nov. Clavier-Übung IV published (or 17421742 Twentieth child, Regina Susanna, baptised., 22 Feb. Johann Elias Bach leaves Leipzig, 31 Oct.

          1743 Examines organ in Johanniskirche, Leipzig, Dec.

          1744 Son, Carl Philipp Emanuel (30), marries Johanna Maria Dannemann (20) in Berlin

          1745 First grandchild, Johann August Bach, born, 10 Dec1746 Son, Wilhelm Friedemann (36), appointed organist at the Liebfrauenkirche, Halle, 16 April. Bach examines organ in Wenselskirche, Naumburg, 27 Sept.


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